read Arabic. Q PZnhmOBTsC"zF@BTtCPss[1NZ zH! zH! What are 3 reasons why Islam spread so quickly? Describe the significance of Mecca to Islam. of Tours? The things that caused In the eleventh century, scholars traveled to libraries in Medical Reference Books Financing -repayment of long-term debt No impact Operating -, Put a check next to ALL the expenses listed below that would qualify as Selling Expenses. /Filter /DCTDecode This is a NO PREP activity and will ensure that students are mapping important locations. jdbjscjb hdbcjbdbcjdjhcbdcjbdjcdbj. This is one InspirEd lesson from "I Think: Geography - Middle East. It explains it spread so quickly because it had a very fair, and strong government. 4 0 obj Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. /SA true Today, Islam is one of the world's major religions. Write a short essay to explain your answer. 1 Conquests After Muhammad's Death. @m A [Content_Types].xml ( ]o0'? This product is a Google form and doc linked to an interactive map on the spread of Islam.In a short time following Muhammad's death, Islam spread from Arabia across southwest Asia and North Africa and into Europe. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? Islam spread so quickly because of the message, military conquest ,trade, the political structure. Mecca was the crossroads of important trade routes. |t!9rL'~20(H[s=D[:b4(uHL'ebK9U!ZW{h^MhwuV};GoYDS7t}N!3yCaFr3 PK ! ClarissasandTadsscoresonthetestwerebothveryhigh., I admire both Sheena and Vaughns determination in finishing the race. 4 days of lessons, two days of writing. an extensive empire? Lesson warm up, teacher instructions, teacher answers, guiding discussion questions, all student handouts and activities are included in this CRITICAL THINKING lesson! Today, Islam is one of the worlds major religions. The rulers of Islamic lands were expected to rule their land fairly and some of their methods are very similar to ideas in the US government today. How does this writer describe the methods and conquests of the Muslim army at the Battle of Tours? You read about several military leaders in this lesson. Historical Context : From its beginnings in Arabia, to its extensive empire encompassing the JFIF K K C Muslim and Western civilization? world was less sophisticated than that of, god, Allah, and the importance of charity- shar, Muhammad's death in 632, Allah's words that. impact the world? For nearly 500 A1.) !B>=cc-DCBD =$DC"D=$B_DEl*zmD!zH!1#zH!1_~mH#zH!1$ zH! xWTS[@ W)#tDJ 6bH .eEE]l+ke-tQP W5rp ,R H2v2+s|frh W$e%&A )WBP^3_P\( Historically, Muslims have used the Arabic word taawwuf to identify the practice of Sufis. A2. It could help Islam spread b/c the verse may appeal to people who believe they can have self defense too. This activity has worked very well in pairs using two devices, This bundle is for 3.5: Trans-Saharan Trade and the Spread of Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa for Pre-AP World History and Geography. Physician al-Razi wrote a medical reference encyclopedia, the Comprehensive Book and Treatise Judging from both the map and the quote above the map, why was Mecca a trade center of the Arabian Peninsula? Within this file are three do now/initial activities to start lessons on the rise of Islam and the Ottoman Empire (one on the Dome of the Rock, the second on the travels of Ibn Battuta), it also has a reading with a graphic organizer on the practice and beliefs of the Islamic religion. stream Because of their tolerance of other cultures, they were able SS.912.W.3.3 Determine the causes, effects, and extent of Islamic military expansion through Central Asia, North Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula. The ATP/CP pathway is considered aerobic metabolism. How did the Hims (Syrians) respond when the Muslims said they could not protect them? Islam spread through military conquest, trade, pilgrimage, and missionaries. endobj [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] achievements? This is an introductory lesson based on Africa in the early modern period. 4 0 obj This assignment accomplishes the Common Core goals of many kinds of sources including maps and newspaper in a study of Islam. How does this document explain why Islam might have spread so quickly? Costs associated with sending, Wally started a weekend widget stand on his landlord's front lawn with a $2000 inheritance (owner investment). cjdcbjdbcjdd d d dcdcdncdscds dsjc Introduction to Programming with C (COP 3223C), Doc - Declare 5 variables of type long int years, al Zasims work, The Method , which contained original drawings of some 200 medical /SM 0.02 (1), How did each of these instruments impact Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some questions can have the same answer. stream 1 0 obj Essay Task : After the fall of Constantinople Mehmed II renamed it. /Producer ( Q t 4 . Purchased Property, Plant, & Equipment 75,000 Accounts Receivable 15,000 Payment for Total Expenses 275,000 Accounts, Match the event to its impact on the Cash Flow Statement. Why did Islam spread so quickly document f answer key? Cg |amqtMwGG|!"MeB+?Ua#D2iDh44S/T5theU!0`B&(s^s:s`GK arcC8Up5G$;#Nue!GQA$Q.`/ ^(-rrLbzq!x x PC@EoxH`2T!)@jl@=h !p3:mz0 ^!A( 1@kqE$Dd$Fr @HYlA}H3r9\Fn!Hyb6jZ(eh*: Et Ew vOA`Z1fcX8ea9UbX- qv87;D4il|17x7> H$WR CO%M'UIu^dc?Lry&y1y#y82yBQ\) 7) In what modern country and city did the Islamic faith develop? Be able to briefly explain each. According to this document, what methods were used to spread Islam? 3. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB This should take 6 days. and went well into the 700's, C.E.. Why did Islam spread so quickly Dbq answer key quizlet?Islam spread quickly because its leaders conquered surrounding territories. Directions : Read and study each of the following documents and questions that follow them as al-Razis Comprehensive Book and Ibn Snas The Canon of Medicine. Why? This lesson also provides a worksheet with the sources on them to be printed and cut in half so the students can. +qcU>W]y ubMM-[~p}g=,6,z#Ma6[n{74:Vo%o-p[3sd{wZ\{K?Fe`b}z@O?m8hpi,i8$?o?lsGGxq'Ni}rkNu=}Lmcg>xC|/4.6] >s^ckys[>oq\D*%~%LeJ/\Nmk$p)2[(-dJ` wPKDn48BcE$h QLQdf+Bjd]#sn;okFVmh6?JZoP@sS'\0VO9yY^r0ZBn=)AFj$v,@!MUYe>Ssba2B Islam spread quickly because its lands were well governed and orderly. By completing its exercises, students will gain a basic understanding of the faith's first leaders, In this COMPLETE lesson from InspirEd Educators, students will be able to explain the spread of Islam under Mohammed and the successive caliphs. 9a. the question below. Some of the possessives in the following sentences are correct, and others are not. because of how much trade islam participated in. Your email address will not be published. << They used Pre-AP 3.5: Trans-Saharan Trade and the Spread of Islam in Sub-Saharan (Bundle), "The Spread of Islam and Muslim Rule" - Article, Power Point, Activities, Assess, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Unit Bundle, Spread of Islam Map Activity, Mapping The Spread of Islam PRINT & DIGITAL, African Kingdoms BUNDLE (World History Bundle) Digital Distance Learning & Print, 3.5-Intro:Trans-Saharan Trade & the Spread of Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa Pre-AP, The Spread of Islam and the Umayyad Empire Pear Deck, CRQ on the Gold-Salt Trade and Spread of Islam -- Global Remote Assessment, Exploring the Rise and Spread of Islam with Google Maps, Social Studies Reading | The Spread of Islam & Buddism in Southeast Asia, The Spread of Islam reading with questions, 5107-8 The Spread of Islam in the Middle East. (Outside information and [1] Mainstream scholars of Islam define Tasawwuf or Sufism as the name for the inner or esoteric dimension of Islam [21] which is supported and complemented by outward or exoteric practices of Islam, such as Sharia. Overview. a. gP 8 ppt/slides/_rels/slide8.xml.relsj0wG[ZJB tEmI}4!}\Y\)^C-+M.'-h\xrEQ. endobj /AIS false Islam spread so quickly because of the message, military conquest ,trade, the political structure. Describes the events of his life. Why did Islam spread so quickly Dbq answer key document A? /Height 155 How would this verse help Islam spread? SS.912.W.3.5 Describe the achievements, contributions, and key figures associated with the Islamic Golden Age. Then, students will answer the 3 short answer questions on the doc. According to this writer why did Islam spread? on Smallpox and Measles. Windus, 1964), the expansion of Islam is defended and that of Christianity criticized. K= 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide6.xml.rels It explains it spread so quickly because the Muslims were accepted by other empires and governments around them. b. 4. %PDF-1.4 Mansa title that means sultan or king Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca that is an important duty of Islam Where was the ancient kingdom of Mali? Hira that, the archangel Gabriel squeezed him hard and, caused words to flow from his mouth. These books were translated into Latin and other languages and influenced doctors in Europe. 4 0 obj 3 0 obj trembled as that terrible army.. Tours.. the fury and cruelty of the Muslims ClarissasandTadsscoresonthetestwerebothveryhigh.\underline{\color{#c34632}\text{{Clarissas and Tads scores on the test were both very high.}}} Body Paragraph 1 This document shows how politics were used to make people convert to Islam by providing things they may have interest in. 7) A client completed 2 or more repetitions in the last 2 consecutive. Byzantine and Persian Empires were too weak to stop the Muslims. to advance scholarship in several areas to the highest level at that time. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? How can document 3 and 4 be linked together? Began to conquer outside of Arabia to carry out ghazu on non-Muslims. If a sentence is correct, write C on the line. According to this document Muslims used war and violence to spread Islam. Find and create gamified quizzes, lessons, presentations, and flashcards for students, employees, and everyone else. wife and her cousin but otherwise stayed silent. Under which dynasty did the Islamic Empire reach its greatest territorial advancement? Bench press Preacher curl Overhead extension Chin-up 7. The lesson provides a guided notes worksheet they use to follow along with before they are released to independently do a short reading and figure activity. %PDF-1.4 What event marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar? /N 1 Final Step Final Claim/Summary Based on the three documents you looked at and using at least two of them , write a paragraph to answer the . Projects may be completed by individuals or in groups. /Width 625 "TPQvSQPz(o445444$;5j\x1,\MEfUD Rk ;ZZZZZIZ"Zkjz=Q[D{q[/h4#-Ei'ihot:WOu4utX:uJuu\u m;gWXo9^}~>_V0;p|m zN ;f129b34aL4\1ym:4T`Zi,,l!ytMGQ9b_-Pd[---,Ru'-VY6Y>fa`1Sh! well as added new features. Islam spread so quickly because of trading. Who was Muhammad? 3317 It aligns with the sources recommended by College Board and presents them in a aesthetic PowerPoint. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr Social Studies American History: Reconstruction to the Present Guided Reading Workbook, Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7, Rozdzia 8 Konfiguracja przeczania w sieci. Study this example, and answer the question that follows. Literacy and the SLP (SPH 323) Introduction To Marketing (MBAE 60603) Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083) Documents Popular Chapter 1 Notes Physio Ex Exercise 6 Activity 1 CH 12 cardiovascular BANA - Chapter 5.1 Notes Physio Ex Exercise 2 Activity 1 Chapter 09 Designing Interventions BANA 2082 - Chapter 1.1 /BitsPerComponent 8 (1) ______________________________________. ht _rels/.rels ( J1!}7*"loD c2Haa-?$Yon ^AX+xn 278O (This PowerPoint coincides with the 7th grade Glencoe Social Studies textbook. 6 0 obj Reason #1 - Mecca wasconnected to many trade routes Document A: 1. endobj Additionally, there are extension activities available for those who finish the work early. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br A medieval caravan of Muslim pilgrims traveling to Mecca Overview: According to the holy texts of the Muslims, in 610 CE a local merchant named Muhammad retreated to a cave outside the city of Mecca in Arabia to meditate. This includes rubrics with and without. THE SPREAD OF ISLAM By Zachary Palmer So Our Question is, What enabled the Islam Religion to spread so quickly? Spread of Islam Mini-Q Why Did Islam Spread So Quickly A medieval caravan of Muslim . ), The Spread of Islam Reading with QuestionsSecondary source reading focusing on the spread of Islam around the world.Followed by 4 critical thinking/analysis questions perfect for class discussion and active engagement!Answer key included.What files come with this product? number.. gave way to their scimitars (swords).. the nations of the Franks Enclosed you will find 24 multiple choice task cards.The task cards cover key vocabulary and important concepts on The Origins and Spread of Islam. Required fields are marked *. >> Study this photo of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, and answer Mecca, where Islam originated, is in the middle of many trade routes, causing them to interact with and spread their religion to others easily. This product is a Google form and doc linked to an interactive map on the spread of Islam.In a short time following Muhammads death, Islam spread from Arabia across southwest Asia and North Africa and into Europe. Fees to send two salespeople to a sales training program. Bob Moore -. [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] 8 . Create your own unique website with customizable templates. In this excerpt, Mohammed gives choice to the leader of a Christian Arab tribe. According to verse 22:39, when are Muslims allowed to fight? >> Trade Routes was an important part of how Islam grew so fast. Clarissa and Tads scores on the test were both very high. n the sword in self-defense; Christianity grasped it in order to stifle freedom of thought and /ca 1.0 2. The Spread of Islam Began in 570 C.E. /SM 0.02 In all the Muslim world, Islam has great impact on different sectors of society and this impact generates the desire on muslims from generations ago and even today of holding the Islam as the only religion in the world. How can this document be used to explain the spread of Islam? Costs associated with sending all the, Put a check next to ALL the expenses listed below that would qualify as General and Administrative Expenses. The writer describes the methods and conquests as 'cruel' and full of 'fury' that made the others 'tremble'. A3.04.1 Islamic Empire Expansion Assignment (Autosaved).docx, A3.04.1 Islamic Empire Expansion Assignment.docx, Writing from Expansion of the Early Islamic Empire Student Materials-2.docx, HA3.04.1 Islamic Empire Expansion Honors Assignment 2.docx, Muscle cramps Nerve damage Headaches Dehydration 122. and 700s has drawn much study. ", Need a good presentation to engage students on The Spread of Islam? It spread so quickly because of military conquest and war. Islam's embellishments were persuasive towards other regions to join the empire. '+l$c#'ZsG>v{};qSee1t"PI_n :? 9t*DKj9pd.3v+SZ3}O- sk,@D9%rYUmmB[ The Islamic political system give the citizens protection form intrusion so they won't have danger to their life or property. /Alternate /DeviceGray 6 0 obj 0]&AD 8>\`\fx_?W ^a-+Mwj3zCa"C\W0#]dQ^)6=2De4b.eTD*}LqAHmc0|xp.8g.,),Zm> PK ! 5) Cross), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham). Ibn Sina (Avicenna) wrote the five-volume The Canon of Medicine. Which leader do you think most helped the Patriot cause? Spread of Islam Mini-Q Background Essay Questions l. When and where did Muhammad first receive words from Allah? `oNR/DIws/yPeSfLIX+W -2W( H(w%L|Ufj6()D{hQudT:lH ?W|y;#X3`'f%>8}2S> D~f>O9!!?1oS,R@Ut What parts of the world would have been included in the Islamic Empire in the 8th century? because of how much tradeislam participated in. Muhammad help to spread the religion of Islam. c. What were the most important Islamic achievements? The Docs are worksheets made up of questions broken down in an understandable and straightforward way to help students learn geographic concepts while developing their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. Get started for free! (Outside information and Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. << document information), What practices or methods were used to spread It includes a 5-3-1 reading activity on the rise and spread of the Ottoman Empire and Suleiman the Magnificent. Islam was a very popular religious belief that had followers from all around, but we ask why it spread so quickly over a short period of time. *This lessons materials are Google based. 11 The Rise and Spread of Islam DBQ - Dewan Alam, Which statement has the information needed to answer the following question: Will the company likely be able to continue daily operations for the next three months? tools, was the foremost textbook on surgery in Europe. % Document F: Muslims easily defeated the Byzantines. towards the inhabitants of the city were like the fury and cruelty of raging tigers. Mrs. Hart Date: ______________________________, Islamic Civilization: The Spread of a Culture and its Contributions to the World. Islam never interfered with the dogmas of any moral faith, never persecuted.. grasped First, it was at the crossroads of the lucrative caravan trade. Use Google Maps to combine historical knowledge, geography and current events in a culminating assignment. This Mini-Q explores why this, DocumentA: Arabian Peninsula Trade Routes, (map) Document B: Verses from the Qur' an, This page may be reproduced for classroom use, nearby Mount Hira. When and where did Muhammad first receive words from Allah? How were non-Muslim peoples treated in the Islamic Empire? The Constructed Response Question includes a map showing routes related to the gold-salt trade and an excerpt about the spread of Islam into parts of Africa. Document 2 There are many reasons why Islam spread so fast, however the main three reasons was trade, winning battles, and treaties. The Muslims struck their enemies and laid waste to the country and took captives without Document 1 Use this 6-slide "The Spread of Islam" PowerPoint to teach students about the spread of Islam, including how caliphs (Rightly Guided caliphs & Umayyad caliphs) took over after Muhammad died, how Islam spread through conquest, teaching, and trade, and finally later Muslim empire accomplishments, including those of the Abbasids, Seljuk Turks, Ottomans, and Moguls. /SA true Ultimately there were three of the main reasons Islam was able to spread so fast was because of its Military Conquest, favorable Treaties, and connection to the rest of the world by Trade Routes. @ @ htr)Cl.kd`H2qKlnAHjb++E)!@@xHC|_*q "?YT!/* qG05b(C%S _K8W3eB=dgH!~.sRU+*N!6|I03yD!M fU*O$d9["'tA\! Islam spread so quickly because of the message the message it was so strong to spread so quickly ( Document B). C q" ^cL+&VGzY{T4K|.FVOm.Z|^R4Xl`F6_dFhLfdf:Hc23?10 iLf4&3sL59 it was in the middle of the trade networks. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz /SMask /None>> There is a station or gallery walk activity on Islamic achievements with a graphic organizer as well. It integrates two videos into a Google Slides Presentation to help students complete guided notes on the geography of Africa & its affects, misconceptions about the continent, and the spread of Islam in the region. Students can read, learn, and discuss with each other. points of the essay. /Length 7 0 R (Outside information and document Pre-made digital activities. /CreationDate (D:20210321101805+02'00') /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Islam was a very popular religious belief that had followers from all around, but we ask why it spread so quickly over a short period of time. True, Which of the following determines how many meals a client should eat per day? This is shown by Document A, a map of trade routes in 570, created from various sources. F3.) What were the three religious practices one could find in Mecca before Muhammad's revelations? (1) ________________________, What specific words make you aware of his contrasting view of Christianity? Muslims are allowed to fight when they have been attacked. 1 Spread of Islam Mini-Q Why Did Islam Spread So Quickly? body paragraphs that discuss the essay question, and a conclusion that summarizes the main endobj Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Documents 3 and 4 can be linked together b/c both have to do with fighting and violence. B1.) On the lines provided, revise those that are incorrect. Step 1) 1 minute - Source the document! Trade and conflict were also apparent between different empires, all of which resulted in the spreading of Islam. Use basic geography skills to explain relative location and follow a PowerPoint with a guided step-by-step mapping activity. /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . What event stopped its spread into Western Europe? /SMask /None>> %PDF-1.4 Source and date (if applicable). according to verse 33:35 of the qur'an, what are the qualities of someone who is favored by god. Islam spread quickly because its leaders conquered surrounding territories. /Width 625 Europe, Asia, and Africa In addition to Mecca, what were four other major Muslim sites in 1500? This document shows how politics were used to make people convert to Islam by providing things they may have interest in. Islam spread so quickly, Ultimately there were three of the main reasons Islam was able to spread so fast was because of its, There are many reasons why Islam spread so fast, however the main three reasons was. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. 7(H m ppt/slides/slide22.xmlX[o9~_i5O TRV+ J>:Xu}=4 Q])/c/{%YpB~T?O"P~t7:Jx?ZswgeJp=2L/-xN6\TCN,N.j.F How can this document be used to explain the spread of Islam? K= 7 ppt/slides/_rels/slide5.xml.rels Be able to give some examples of the contributions/inventions made during this period. Document D: Arabs raided each other - ghazu. 5. C1.) The people that came to trade goods and buy products might had liked the religion and the way people from Islam practiced it. >> Students will analyze the interactive map and answer the 7 reading comprehension questions on the form. Droit objectif / sources de la rgle de droit. Early military conquests were an important factor in the initial spread of Islamic culture. Muhammad help to spread the religion of Islam. F1.) << 116773 What practices or methods were used to spread Islam? Document 6 How does this relate to the history of Islam and when it was founded? What did the Wilmot Proviso, introduced in Congress in 1846, propose to do? Students will analyze the interactive map and answer the . /Length 3317 This map obliges students to label regions, cities, and bodies of water, and to color the various phases involved in the spread of Islam between the 7th and 8th centuries.The directions for the map are very specific, and are intended to encourage students to produce quality work.Although the file has been uploaded as a PDF, there is space provided to allow for individual due dates and points possible.Finally, the download includes a PowerPoint that provides both a blank copy of the map and a com.